How many times have you been talking with your friends about their birth stories and it started like this: “Well, my doctor said my baby was measuring large so they induced me at 39 weeks…” “I had to be induced because my water broke and I didn’t go into labor…” “My doctor told me my […]
Birth Doula
The Wedding Test–Chelsea Rothschild
Let’s play a game: I’ll describe a once-in-a-lifetime event, and you guess what event I mean. You’ll know this event is coming for months in advance. It will involve you, your family, and a very special someone who you will love, unconditionally, for the rest of your life. This event is sacred and intimate, celebrated […]
Lactation Bars–By Leticia Grosz
If you’ve ever had lactation cookies, you already know they are delicious. They’re also a great way to make a treat for new parents, whether or not they’re chestfeeding. They’re filling, satisfy cravings and can add some really healthy ingredients to boost the immune system and milk production. Amy brought lactation bars […]
Birth as a Sacred Rite of Passage–Dakota Hindman
Birth can heal lineages. Generations of patterns, wounds, and trauma. Birth can heal future generations of those same patterns, wounds, and trauma. Pregnancy and birth reorganize the cellular make-up in the body. Carrying and birthing life is revolutionary and ancient. It is ordinary and extraordinary. Miraculous and mundane. Birth is everything. Without birth, without women […]
Estimated Due Dates (EDD)
What does EDD Mean? EDD, or Estimated Due Date is a calculation made based on Naegele’s rule—which assumes you have a 28 day cycle and regularly ovulate on the 14th day of that cycle. To calculate your EDD, add 7 days to the first day of your last period, then count forward 9 months or […]