Boulder Lactation Consultant
Most every new Mother has heard that “Breast is Best” and is aware of the nutritional and emotional benefits of breastfeeding. But sometimes the idyllic nursing scene is thwarted by cracked nipples, colicky baby or swollen engorged breasts. A lactation consultant can provide informative support to help you establish a strong nursing relationship with your baby. We help mamas
From questions about your baby’s latch, to buying a breast pump, to establishing a feeding schedule, your counselor can give you the confidence you need to conquer your breastfeeding challenges!
CLCs (certified Lactation Consultants) are professional breastfeeding specialists trained to help mothers with a variety of issues. CLC’s work at hospitals, clinics, physician’s offices, birth centers and private practices. Typically, CLC’s assist mama’s and babies with latching difficulties for various reasons- tongue and/or lip tie, the lingering effect of medications used during the birth, birth trauma, or the use of improper positioning or latch-on techniques. She helps mamas and babies with latching difficulties, painful nursing, low milk production, or inadequate weight gain, and can refer out to an IBCLC if the problem persists. CLC’s also have connections with LLL, and other local breastfeeding support groups. Our CLC will work in the comfort of your home in the Boulder area, or in her office in Longmont.
To make an appointment with a lactation consultant, contact Jessica, Laura, or Carlie