I found my calling as a Birth Doula and Lactation Counselor many years before I had my own children. I think it may have started as far back as being present at my sisters birth as a small child or spending summers on my grandparents farm watching all the new farm animals born. Either way, pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding and the “4th trimester” are just things that I naturally felt a passion for.
For the past seven years, I have had the honor of being present as women have allowed me in their birthing and breastfeeding space. While my perspective has changed a bit since having my own children, my foundation of care has always remained the same.
Many women (for good reason) focus on the plan for pregnancy and childbirth and feel that breastfeeding will come naturally once baby is born. This is definitely the case for some. However for many, some form of support is needed. Sometimes its just a few simple questions and other times it’s a matter of helping a baby thrive. Breastfeeding is an amazing, powerful and often emotional part of motherhood. No two journeys look the same and Breastfeeding is something that should be normalized and respected in all its forms. It looks different for every mother and child.
My husband and I are both Boulder natives but we took a little jaunt to the PNW for several years and lived in Seattle. During our time there I studied with Child Birth International for my certifications. One of the most rigorous and comprehensive programs out there. While we loved Seattle, Colorado called us back home. We have settled in Longmont with our two beautiful young kids and enjoy showing them all the things we’ve always loved about Colorado.
I will never stop learning and look forward to all the things I can add to my services in the future. * Until my own babies are a little older, I am currently only offering my lactation counseling services. I am happy to refer you to one of the many wonderful doulas I know*
Please feel free to check out my personal website, always a work in progress. Www.wildmotherhood.net.