If you’ve ever had lactation cookies, you already know they are delicious. They’re also a great way to make a treat for new parents, whether or not they’re chestfeeding. They’re filling, satisfy cravings and can add some really healthy ingredients to boost the immune system and milk production. Amy brought lactation bars […]
Birth as a Sacred Rite of Passage–Dakota Hindman
Birth can heal lineages. Generations of patterns, wounds, and trauma. Birth can heal future generations of those same patterns, wounds, and trauma. Pregnancy and birth reorganize the cellular make-up in the body. Carrying and birthing life is revolutionary and ancient. It is ordinary and extraordinary. Miraculous and mundane. Birth is everything. Without birth, without women […]
Yoni Steaming–By Meghan Coleman
While some are pretty familiar with this topic, yoni steaming is still pretty niche. It even gets a sideways eye and sometimes a hard no from the medical community. But for anyone curious to dive a little deeper I want to share what exactly it is, a little history behind it, and the many […]
Facts About Fevers–by Dr. Elyssa
Anything that reflects the slightest thing is wrong with a child will cause concern with a parent. Why are they crying? Are they warm? Why are they pulling on their ear? Are they teething? There are a ton of questions that runs through a parent’s head each and every day with checking in to […]
The Gender Reveal
“But celebrating a child’s gender before it’s born is a tricky business. It sets expectations for who that child will be. It also leaves the unfortunate impression that gender is the most important thing to celebrate about that child. And sometimes it’s just plain wrong”–taken from a NYT opinion article by Jennifer Finney Boylan […]