How to Pay for a Doula
By Emily Manelius

First and foremost, doula care is incredibly personal for both the client and the doula. We are giving our time, expertise and knowledge, resources, and hearts, not to mention being a part of such an intimate experience. It is hugely important to choose a doula with whom you truly connect and trust. The value of that alone is priceless!
Many birth doulas include prenatal meetings to prepare families for labor, stay with the mother for the duration of the birth, and then provide some postpartum support. Each client gets countless hours of preparation and care–emotionally, mentally, and physically. Postpartum doulas are included in this care as well, witnessing and guiding women and families through the transition into parenthood. It is rewarding work, but it certainly is not light work.
Although doula care is absolutely worth the cost, that doesn’t mean everyone can afford it in one lump sum. So, how will you pay for a doula? Here are the top 10 ways our clients at Sage Birth & Wellness Collective have planned for our services:
1. Add doula services to your baby registry
2. Ask family members to donate funds for pre-due date holidays.
3. Nix the non-essentials like lattes and dining out
4. Ask your doula for a customized package to suit your budget
5. Use a credit card
6. Flex spending, health savings accounts or cafeteria plans
7. Set up a payment plan with your doula
8. Use your tax refund
9. Sell things you don’t use (You’ll be glad for the extra space after baby arrives!)
10. Barter your goods or services for part of the cost
The journey of pregnancy and parenthood is so thrilling! While you are planning nursery decor and picking out the best swings, diapers, toys, etc-go ahead and plan for your doula! You’ll be so glad you did, even before your baby’s Birth Day.