Trips to the bathroom, checking over and over. A cramp in the stomach, is something going wrong? Maybe I shouldn’t run or do yoga? Should I not drink coffee or tea? Laser focus on basal cell temperature, fertile windows, and hormone injections. What happens if I go through this again…can I handle it? […]
Estimated Due Dates (EDD)
What does EDD Mean? EDD, or Estimated Due Date is a calculation made based on Naegele’s rule—which assumes you have a 28 day cycle and regularly ovulate on the 14th day of that cycle. To calculate your EDD, add 7 days to the first day of your last period, then count forward 9 months or […]
Closing the Bones-A Postpartum Ritual
The Closing of the Bones ceremony acknowledges the immense changes a woman has undergone in pregnancy and childbirth and assists in bringing her spirit back into her own body. Physically, it guides her bones back into place, helps her pelvic organs shift and her uterus to shrink back down, and stimulates blood flow. Women who are honored in this way experience a sense of calm and grounding, re-establishing her sense of self.
Postpartum Rest – The 40 Days of Lying-In
The natural rhythm of the Earth and Life—is that there is a period of growth and a period of rest. This is how balance is created. Pregnancy represents the time of growth, and therefore the postpartum period represents the time of rest. In the modern world, there is no value given for rest—modern culture is […]
The Doula Interview
The Doula Interview Thinking of hiring a doula for your birth? You will not regret this decision! Hiring a doula will provide you with another birth team member that is exclusively there for you and your partner. Doulas help with emotional and physical support during labor, assist with techniques that can make labor shorter […]